I have a scenario where i need to load a table called "name_address" first for storing all the claimant name with a generation of a number (using given formula). This number will be used in other main tables like claim table , transaction .. etc Can u please help me whether constraint based loading will be useful or i need to specify target load plan.
We have a scenario in our project where i have to create different flatfiles as output based on the company number
The issue is 1) we run this workflow once in every month 2) New company numbers and corresponding records may be added anytime during the month ., So each time wen a company is added we have to create a flatfile for that also 3) The name of the flatfile should be "Loss history report for" + company number 4) One more thing is every month wen the workflow runs , the flatfiles have to be places in that month folder . eg : In january the files shud be placed in Jan2012 folder. The folders will be already present., 5) Is it possible to create the folders also inside target every month ?
Let me show the Simple mapping involving Java transformation
Here the source is emp table and the target is rangasp table in oracle.
The requirement here is to change all the employee name to "java".
The java code has been written in such a way that the ename of all records will be changed to "java"
The left side contains all the input and output ports.
Generaterow() is used to generate a row for each records.
The output is something like this :
eno ename
721 java
678 java
899 java
Please do comment and ask if you have any doubts!! thankyou
empno ename job
7219 Sri CLERK 7782 Uma MANAGER 7839 Ragu PRESIDENT 7934 Sendil CLERK
Output :
Repeation of the rows three times and also change the ename as "Srivatsan"
empno ename job
7219 Srivatsan CLERK
7219 Srivatsan CLERK
7219 Srivatsan CLERK 7782 Srivatsan MANAGER
7782 Srivatsan MANAGER
7782 Srivatsan MANAGER 7839 Srivatsan PRESIDENT
7839 Srivatsan PRESIDENT
7839 Srivatsan PRESIDENT 7934 Srivatsan CLERK
7934 Srivatsan CLERK
7934 Srivatsan CLERK
Post your mapping , one lucky winner will be selected!!
Lets discuss about transaction control transformation in this video :
I will show you a scenario using transaction control statement and explain you wen it has to be used.
Here we can see three components
1) expression trans
2) transaction ctrl t/f
3) target
The source for us is the emp table of scott schema
the requirement is to split the source rows into different flatfiles based on the dept number.
that is:
dept no : 10 , 20 ,30 need to splited and saved in seperate files
We can ask a question like "why cant this be done easily by a router"
yep a "good ques : the answer is "wen the dept no changes dynamically how we will be able to get the router groups to change??
So this is how this scenario is handled..
here we have filed where we are checking this condn : IIF(v_DEPTNO_2 != DEPTNO, 0, 1)
if a dept number comes for the first time then this will be zero and our transaction control t/f will create a flatfile with corresp rows.
filename is a field used to provide name of flatfile which need to be generated dynamically.
Based on the column where we gave condn the tc t/f does the following commiting activity
here wenever a new dept number comes a commit is been done and a flatfile is created and one imp note is "the input has to be sorted initially"
In this way the files are created on each dept numbers