Lets see a Simple procedure in this post.
Below is the code for a simple procedure which Queries the database and display the record when it is called.
Create or Replace Procedure P_GetEmpName
V_Emp_Name varchar2 ; -- Declaration Section
Begin -- Execution Section
Select EmpName Into V_Emp_Name From Emp Where Emp_No = 12345;
Dbms_Output.Put_Line("The Employee Name is : " V_Emp_Name)
The Above Procedure when called will give the following result.
Exec P_GetEmpName ;
Output :
The Employee Name is :John
Below is the code for a simple procedure which Queries the database and display the record when it is called.
Passing a Parameter to Procedure to Insert into a table
Create or Replace Procedure P_InsertRecord(P_Name varchar2)
V_name varchar2(8) := P_Name; -- Declaration Section
Begin -- Execution Section
Insert into dept values(20,V_name,'f');
The Above Procedure when called will give the following result.
Exec P_InsertRecord('John');
Select * From Dept ;
Output :
Dept No Dept Name Job Type
20 John f
Let us see about Dynamic Sql and execution of it in this post.
Create or Replace Procedure P_DynamicSql(P_Table_Name Varchar2)
V_Table_Name Varchar2(10) := P_Table_Name ; -- Declaration Section
V_Dynaic_Query Varchar2(50) ;
Begin -- Execution Section
V_Dynaic_Query := 'Create Table ' || V_Table_Name || ' (Name Varchar2(50))' ;
Execute Immediate V_Dynaic_Query ;
Exception -- Exception Section
When Others Then
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Error Creating Table') ;
When the above Procedure is called , Table with the Provided name will be create with a column called Name.
Exec P_DynamicSql('Emp') ;
The Table Gets Created
Below is the code for a simple procedure which Queries the database and display the record when it is called.
Create or Replace Procedure P_GetEmpName
V_Emp_Name varchar2 ; -- Declaration Section
Begin -- Execution Section
Select EmpName Into V_Emp_Name From Emp Where Emp_No = 12345;
Dbms_Output.Put_Line("The Employee Name is : " V_Emp_Name)
The Above Procedure when called will give the following result.
Exec P_GetEmpName ;
Output :
The Employee Name is :John
Below is the code for a simple procedure which Queries the database and display the record when it is called.
Passing a Parameter to Procedure to Insert into a table
Create or Replace Procedure P_InsertRecord(P_Name varchar2)
V_name varchar2(8) := P_Name; -- Declaration Section
Begin -- Execution Section
Insert into dept values(20,V_name,'f');
The Above Procedure when called will give the following result.
Exec P_InsertRecord('John');
Select * From Dept ;
Output :
Dept No Dept Name Job Type
20 John f
Let us see about Dynamic Sql and execution of it in this post.
Create or Replace Procedure P_DynamicSql(P_Table_Name Varchar2)
V_Table_Name Varchar2(10) := P_Table_Name ; -- Declaration Section
V_Dynaic_Query Varchar2(50) ;
Begin -- Execution Section
V_Dynaic_Query := 'Create Table ' || V_Table_Name || ' (Name Varchar2(50))' ;
Execute Immediate V_Dynaic_Query ;
Exception -- Exception Section
When Others Then
Dbms_Output.Put_Line('Error Creating Table') ;
When the above Procedure is called , Table with the Provided name will be create with a column called Name.
Exec P_DynamicSql('Emp') ;
The Table Gets Created
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